

Who Invented the WhiteBoards?

The history of whiteboards began in the mid 1960s. It’s still a mystery as to who actually invented it. Some think that it began in China, but there is no real way to be sure. Whiteboards and Chalkboards The whiteboards evolved from the chalkboards (or blackboards). Although chalkboards were popular, some teachers and students were [...]

By |August 22nd, 2019|Chalkboards, Schools, Whiteboard Knowledge, Whiteboards|Comments Off on Who Invented the WhiteBoards?

Using The Board

Using The Board Using The Board Using The Board.Board basics: Your students should have a clear, uninterrupted view of the board. Be careful that you don't block learners sitting at the sides of the room. When you write something on the board move away quickly so that students can see what you have [...]

By |August 20th, 2019|Chalkboards, Dry Erase Board, Education, Magnetic Whiteboard, Schools, Whiteboard Knowledge, Whiteboards, Writing Board|Comments Off on Using The Board