Whiteboard History

Whiteboard History Whiteboard History - Albert Stallion invented whiteboards while working at Alliance in the 1960s. Alliance (now known as PolyVision) produced enameled steel for architectural cladding, but Stallion noted it could also potentially be [...]

By |November 27th, 2019|Categories: Stationery News|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Whiteboard History

Whiteboard Types

Whiteboard Types Whiteboard Types - The first whiteboards were very expensive and were made of an enameled steel. Cheaper versions were then produced, including laminated chipboard, high-pressure laminates and steel boards with a white, usually [...]

Mobile Rotating Whiteboard

Mobile Rotating Whiteboard A rotating whiteboard is ideal for any office that needs flexibility. They are available in a selection of sizes to suit any requirement. For ordering information, please contact us. Presentation Mobility The [...]

BoardLine Customer Brand Sigel Magnetic Glass Board For Home Or Office

BoardLine Customer Brand Sigel Magnetic Glass Board For Home Or Office Sigel Magnetic Glass Board Safety The Sigel magnetic glass boards are made from high quality tempered safety glass (EN 12151-1). The fixings are also [...]

Magnetic Whiteboards or Non-Magnetic for Classrooms?

Magnetic Whiteboards or Non-Magnetic for Classrooms? Magnetic Whiteboards or Non-Magnetic for Classrooms? How to Choose the Right Dry Erase Surface for Your Classrooms? - Magnetic or Non-Magnetic Whiteboards white-board A magnetic surface expands [...]

Who Invented the WhiteBoards?

The history of whiteboards began in the mid 1960s. It’s still a mystery as to who actually invented it. Some think that it began in China, but there is no real way to be sure. [...]

How to Make a Whiteboard

Assembling a Large Whiteboard for Your Classroom Whiteboards are great to use for classrooms, homes and offices. You can write down the daily schedule, business plans, school lessons, or drawings of any type. Whiteboards can [...]

Using The Board

Using The Board Using The Board Using The Board.Board basics: Your students should have a clear, uninterrupted view of the board. Be careful that you don't block learners sitting at the sides of [...]

The Function and Advantage of a Whiteboard

The Function and Advantage of a Whiteboard The Function Advantage of a Whiteboard A whiteboard frequently is used in classrooms, meeting rooms and boardrooms. It is usually made out of melamine, allows non-permanent [...]

By |August 16th, 2019|Categories: Chalkboards, Dry Erase Board, Education, Magnetic Whiteboard, Schools, Whiteboard Knowledge|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Function and Advantage of a Whiteboard

How to Choose a Whiteboard

How to Choose a Whiteboard.Wondering how to choose the best classroom whiteboards or a whiteboard for other use? Check out these buying tips from Boardline, which manufactures and sells dry erase whiteboards to school districts, [...]