dry erase board

/Tag:dry erase board

Whiteboard Types

Whiteboard Types Whiteboard Types - The first whiteboards were very expensive and were made of an enameled steel. Cheaper versions were then produced, including laminated chipboard, high-pressure laminates and steel boards with a white, usually polyester or acrylic, coating. Enameled whiteboards, also referred to as porcelain, and sometimes glass boards, have the advantage that markings [...]

Using The Board

Using The Board Using The Board Using The Board.Board basics: Your students should have a clear, uninterrupted view of the board. Be careful that you don't block learners sitting at the sides of the room. When you write something on the board move away quickly so that students can see what you have [...]

By |August 20th, 2019|Chalkboards, Dry Erase Board, Education, Magnetic Whiteboard, Schools, Whiteboard Knowledge, Whiteboards, Writing Board|Comments Off on Using The Board

How to Clean a Whiteboard

How to Clean a Whiteboard Whiteboards are a staple in many workplaces, but their frequent use can mean they are marked up with lines and colors that don’t want to rub off. But it’s easy to get a whiteboard looking like new again, and usually all it requires is a simple cleaning product like soap [...]

By |July 8th, 2019|Dry Erase Board, Whiteboard Accessories, Whiteboard Knowledge, Whiteboard Wiki, Whiteboards, Wipe Erase Board|Comments Off on How to Clean a Whiteboard