Magnetic Whiteboards or Non-Magnetic for Classrooms?
Magnetic Whiteboards or Non-Magnetic for Classrooms? How to Choose the Right Dry Erase Surface for Your Classrooms? – Magnetic or Non-Magnetic Whiteboards

A magnetic surface expands the use of whiteboards for presentations in classrooms, conference rooms and elsewhere. Magnetic whiteboards are popular, especially in schools, but in some situations a non-magnetic marker board might be sufficient for your needs — and be a lower-cost solution.
magnetic whiteboard Whiteboards are manufactured with a variety of materials used for the dry erase surface. The resulting products are melamine, porcelain, glass, or a proprietary surface such as the Boardline white surface. Not all can be magnetic.
Boards with a melamine, or painted surface are only available non-magnetic.
Porcelain surfaces, which are baked onto a steel substrate, are magnetic.
Glass marker boards require an extra backing to make them magnetic.
Proprietary surfaces, which also are laminated over substrates, offer greater flexibility. EVERWhite applies its proprietary non-staining surface over 24-gauge steel for magnetic whiteboards, and over fiberboard for non-magnetic surfaces.
So, which dry erase surface is best for your needs?
Magnetic whiteboards are commonly installed in the front of K-8 school classrooms. Such boards let teachers do more than write with dry erase markers. With non-scratching magnets or clips, charts and documents can be posted on the whiteboard surface, and magnetic symbols can be used.
Die-cut symbols, such as arrows, dots, squares, stars, lines hearts, letters of the alphabet also can be applied to enhance presentations on dry erase whiteboards with magnetic sur

As mentioned above, make sure the magnets you use have smooth surfaces so the whiteboard surface is not scratched; a scratch can allow marker ink to penetrate the surface and that stain could be difficult to remove.
Some schools choose non-magnetic whiteboards for the back or side of classrooms, where reminders, homework assignments or other written notes are the only needed use of the board.

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